Who to commemorate with?
Feier zum 70. Jahrestag der Kämpfe der Glières, 6. April 2014. © Grégory Yetchmeniza/Le Dauphine/MAXPPP
Commemorations give rise to unique gatherings of people who come together in the same spirit to remember a glorious or painful past, pay tribute to soldiers’ bravery or honour the memory of those who died. Highly ritualised, official ceremonies are structured around the presence of civilian and military officials and follow a strict protocol. But at national or regional level, during preparations and on the day of the ceremony, different groups come together to offer citizens a time of national cohesion and passing on of memory. Witnesses and protagonists of history, military units, young people, former allies and adversaries, families of victims: all have their own particular place, almost a role to play, in commemorations. This section aims to show how all of these people are remembrance protagonists in their own right.