
Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val Art and History Museum

The town from above. Source :

Saint Antonin Noble Val is one of France's oldest medieval towns - and has survived the countless vagaries that history has brought since...
Saint Antonin Noble Val is on the border between Tarn et Garonne and Rouergue (modern-day Aveyron), and where Albigeois and Quercy end. It is one of France's oldest medieval towns and one of the towns that have survived most of history's countless vagaries. It is surrounded by fortified villages and skirts the western fringes of Grésigne departmental forest. Saint Antonin Noble Val is also at the foot of Roc d'Anglars and nestled in the Aveyron river gorges. It boasts France's oldest civilian monument: its former Hôtel de Ville (Town Hall) facing Place de la Halle, the medieval town's main square. It was built in 1125 and houses a museum today. The Association des Amis du Vieux Saint-Antonin (an association founded to protect and promote the old part of Saint-Antonin) opened this museum in 1936. Donations from the town's people and archaeologists and historians working in the area have enhanced its collections since. Besides its Arts and Traditions collections, this museum features remarkable collections showcasing local geological treasures and prehistoric fossils and insects. Military architecture pervades this town (the original borough was a cluster of intertwining houses forming a tortuous maze of improbably narrow alleyways). The spirit of a Protestant stronghold under the Old Regime adds to this remarkably well kept fortified town's appeal.
Musée Municipal d'Art et d'Histoire Place de la Halle 82140 Saint-Antonin Noble Val Tel: +33 (0 563 68 23 52 Mairie (Town Hall)< 82140 Saint Antonin Noble Val Tel: +33 (0) 563 30 60 23 Office du Tourisme (Tourist Office) Tel: +33 (0) 563 30 63 47 Opening hours 10.00 am to 1.00 pm and 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm in July and August By appointment (please call the day before) from September to June.
  • Vue extérieur du musée. Source :

  • Vue aérienne de la ville. Source :

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    Practical information


    Place de la Halle 82140
    Tél. : Mairie 82140 Saint Antonin Noble Val Tél. : 05 63 30 60 23 Office du Tourisme Tél. :

    Weekly opening hours

    En juillet et août : de 10h00 à 13h00 et de 15h00 à 18h00. Le reste de l'année : sur rendez-vous