
Porh Punz Battery Gavres

Le fort de Porh-Puns (le port du puits, en breton). Source : Ouest-france

Located at the mouth of Lorient harbour, Gâvres Peninsula is home to several coastal batteries designed to protect the citadel of Port-Louis and, during World War II, Lorient harbour and its submarine base.


The first fort built at Gâvres, in 1695, was Port-Puce (or Porh Punz in Breton), by decision of the Marquis de Lavardin, to protect Port-Louis. Very quickly it was equipped with 10 cannons and 2 mortars. At the end of the 18th century, it was equipped with a guardhouse housing 60 men. It underwent major changes a few years later with the addition of land and the construction of an ammunition magazine.


World War II

At the start of World War II, Gavres Peninsula had two batteries along with the fort. The Germans, notably Organisation Todt, added 4 casemates, a fire stand and personnel shelters, making the peninsula a powerful weapon against Allied aircraft and ships, both night and day.

The 4 casemates on the municipal campground can still be visited today. The fort is not open to the public, but it is an impressive sight when the sea is rough.

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Practical information


Porh-Puns 56680
+33 (0)

Weekly opening hours

open to the public every week-end

Sainte-Anne d’Auray National Cemetery

La nécropole nationale de Sainte-Anne d’Auray. © ECPAD


Pour accéder au panneau d'information de la nécropole, cliquer ici vignette_necropole_SteAnne


Located in the town of Sainte-Anne d'Auray, the national cemetery, built in 1959, is home to over 2,100 soldiers who died for France during battle in the Loire in 1870-1871, the two World Wars and the Indochina War. The cemetery also holds the remains of soldiers who died in former health facilities that were created in 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 as well as the bodies of those buried in communal war cemeteries in Brittany, Poitou and the Pays de la Loire. Since 1983-1984, this site has brought together the bodies of French soldiers who were originally buried in communal military graveyards in Normandy and those of Belgian soldiers who died in WWI that were excavated in Brittany. In 1988, the graves of Belgian soldiers who died in WWI in Haute-Garonne and Hautes-Pyrénées were transferred to the Sainte-Anne d’Auray National Cemetery.

There are twenty French soldiers from the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871 at rest in an ossuary monument at the cemetery. From WWI, there are 427 French soldiers, 274 Belgian soldiers, nine Russian soldiers and 1 Chinese soldier buried in individual graves. As for WWII, there are 1,355 French soldiers, including 188 in the ossuary, ten Spanish soldiers, one Polish soldier and five Soviet soldiers, one of whom is in the ossuary. Five soldiers who died for France in Indochina are also buried at the cemetery.



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Practical information


Sainte Anne d’Auray
À l’ouest de Vannes, D 19

Weekly opening hours

Visites libres toute l’année


Eléments remarquables

Monument aux morts 1870-1871- Menhir commémoratif aux morts de toutes les guerres

Museum of the Marines

©Musée des fusiliers-marins


Located in the former chaplaincy of the marine school, the marines museum is, with the Brest navy academy, the only museum dedicated to the history of France's navy.


The museum tour will explain to visitors all about:


  • The first royal troops created by Richelieu in 1622 intended for shipborne battle.

  • The first modern sailors.

  • The marines from the great war and the Ronarc'h brigade to the landing companies of the eastern front.

  • The first commandos formed in England.

  • The marine regiments of the Second World War.

  • The engagement of the land and waterway units of the navy during the Indochina War.

  • The commando and sailor operations of the AFN.

  • The history of the navy school

  • The navy today.


Autres informations


Site Web



Base fusiliers marins
BP 92 222
56998 Lorient CEDEX


Sources: Website /


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Practical information


Base fusiliers marins – BP 92 222 56998


Free (Donations welcome at end of your visit)

Weekly opening hours

Accueil public / Sur rendez-vous, en semaine Open to the public by appointment on weekdays Groups of 10-15 people max. Museum contact number (Wednesday only) +33 (0)2 97 12 65 38 Museum director contact (weekdays) 02 97 12 63 83

The Citadel of Belle Ile

Citadel of Belle Ile. Photo: ECPAD

The Citadel of Belle Ile en Mer has played a role in France's great history. Since the 16th century, it has been the scene of every conflict and coveted by all of Europe's naval powers.

The citadel extends over more than 10ha and has ramparts 4km long. The citadel is composed of around a dozen buildings totalling over 10,000m2 of floor space, not counting the many blockhouses. Built from 1549, it still has an impressive system of ditches. Belle-Ile became the property of the crown in 1661 after the arrest of superintendent Nicolas Fouquet. In 1683, Vauban was charged with fortifying this island. It was occupied by the English from 1761 to 1763. In the 19th century, the citadel was used as a penal colony for prisoners of war and then political prisoners before becoming a reception centre for refugees of the Spanish Civil War at the end of the 1930s. From July 1940, the island was occupied by the Germans. It was to be one of last parts of France to be liberated as it was part of the famous "Lorient pocket". The French government sold the citadel in 1960, by which time it had fallen into a state of serious disrepair.

Creation of an historical museum in 1970 devoted to Belle-Ile-en-Mer on the site of the dungeon's ancient blockhouses. Citadelle Vauban 56360 Le Palais Tel: 02 97 31 85 54 Fax: 02 97 31 89 47 Rates Free visit: adult: 6.50 € 12 to 16 years: 3.50 € - 12: Free Group: 5 € Guided Tour: Adults: 8 € 12 to 16 years: 5 € - 12: Free Open daily all year July-August: 9h/19h from 01/09 to 31/10 and from 01/04 to 30/06: 9h30/18h from 01/11 to 31/03: 9h30/17h

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Practical information


Le Palais
Tel: 02 97 31 85 54 Fax: 02 97 31 89 47


Visite libre : adulte : 6.50 € de 12 à 16 ans : 3,50 € - de 12 ans : Gratuit Groupe : 5 € Visite Guidée : adultes : 8 € de 12 à 16 ans : 5 € - de 12 ans : Gratuit

Weekly opening hours

Ouvert tous les jours, toute l'année juillet-août: 9h/19h du 01/09 au 31/10 et du 01/04 au 30/06: 9h30/18h du 01/11 au 31/03: 9h30/17h

Musée du Souvenir des écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan

©Musée du Souvenir des écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan

Art, histoire et Mémoire au cœur de la forêt de Brocéliande

Inauguré en 1912, le musée du Souvenir est le plus ancien des musées de l’armée de Terre. Dépositaire d’un patrimoine exceptionnel, il comblera l’amateur d’art et d’histoire et le passionné de militaria autant que le visiteur de passage désireux de ressentir l’esprit qui anime les officiers français et de mieux comprendre les valeurs qui fédèrent le monde militaire.

L’esprit de Saint-Cyr

Situé au cœur des écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan, creuset unique de formation des officiers de l’armée de terre, le musée du Souvenir retrace les évènements majeurs qui ont construit la France à travers les destins croisés des officiers qui l’ont servie. Hommes de conviction et de décision, beaucoup d’entre eux ont incarné des valeurs telles que le courage, la bravoure, le panache, l’exemplarité, la loyauté, le sens du service, du devoir et de l’honneur, l’amour de notre Patrie... Certains ont par leur seule présence pesé sur l’issue de batailles décisives, d’autres ont fait des choix condamnés par l’Histoire, d’autres encore ont rétabli l’honneur de la France et nombreux sont ceux qui ont fait le sacrifice de leur vie dans l’accomplissement de leur mission.


Un lieu de mémoire unique

S’ouvrant sur la Cour Rivoli, place d’honneur où se déroulent les cérémonies de Tradition qui rythment la scolarité des élèves officiers, le musée du Souvenir est un lieu d’enracinement et d’identité où ils se retrouvent et se ressourcent. Mais il est également un lieu de mémoire et d’histoire ouvert au grand public, un endroit privilégié d’éducation à la citoyenneté ainsi qu’un espace de partage et d’échange entre les Français et leur armée où se tisse l’indispensable lien armées-Nation.
Le visiteur est invité à parcourir un vaste mémorial, qui rappelle le sacrifice des officiers de toutes origines tombés au champ d’honneur, avant de découvrir les riches collections du musée. Présentées de façon chronologique, elles illustrent la lente maturation qui a conduit à la création d’écoles dédiées à la formation des officiers et met en exergue les grands personnages et les figures de légende qu’elles ont formés.


Un patrimoine inestimable ouvert à tous

En un siècle d’existence, les collections du Musée du Souvenir se sont enrichies de plusieurs milliers d’objets : Tableaux, bronzes, armes, uniformes, emblèmes, trophées et souvenirs émouvants évoquant un destin exceptionnel, héroïque ou tragique se répondent et plongent le visiteur dans une atmosphère unique. Par leur intérêt esthétique, leur pouvoir d’évocation historique ou par la simple « charge émotionnelle » dont ils sont porteurs, ces objets nous touchent, nous interpellent et nous instruisent.



Sources : ©Musée du Souvenir des écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan
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Practical information


Ecoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan – Cour Rivoli 56381
02 97 70 77 49


- Plein tarif : 5 € - Forfait famille (2 adultes +enfants) : 8 € - Jeunes : Gratuit pour les – de 18 ans - Groupes : 5 €/personne avec médiation- Gratuité : Gratuit pour le personnel civil et militaire de la défense et les – de 18 ans- Pass/tarifs groupés éventuels

Weekly opening hours

Du mardi au dimanche, de 10 h à 12 h et de 14 h 00 à 18 h00.

Fermetures annuelles

Fermé en janvierOffice de tourisme - Ville : Guer 56 380 - Adresse : 2 Place de la Gare - Tel : 02 97 22 04 78

Breton Resistance Museum


Located in Saint-Marcel, Morbihan, the Musée de la Résistance en Bretagne will immerse you in the history of the Second World War.


View the museum’s educational offering >>>  Saint-Marcel

18 June 1944: exactly four years after Charles de Gaulle issued his call to arms from London, the Battle of Saint-Marcel gets underway. One hundred and fifty Free French SAS paratroopers and 2 000 members of the Breton Resistance defeat a force of seasoned German troops.

Built on the very site of that memorable battle, the Breton Resistance Museum has been entirely modernised through 20 months of works. It presents the daily lives of  Breton men and women under the Occupation and their engagement in the “shadow army”.

With a brand-new layout, nearly 1000 objects from a carefully preserved collection of 12 000 bring that memory to life.

The 1000 m² of exhibition space are set around a large courtyard dominated by a huge Cross of Lorraine. The objects from the collection – weapons, vehicles, and also concentration camp tunics and jackets, everyday objects, etc. – have all been carefully chosen for the emotions they embody or the history they portray.
These objects tell the story of the men and women who took up arms against the occupying troops, and above all against an ideology: Nazism.

An array of interactive and multimedia content and life-size reconstructions (e.g. a street under the Occupation and the inside of a blockhaus) take you right to the heart of the Second World War.

At a time when fewer and fewer survivors remain from that period, we believe it is crucial for the human element to be at the heart of your visit, so as to ensure that the memory lives on.

Holder of the prestigious “Musée de France” label, the Breton Resistance Museum promises you a moving, educational visit to the heart of history.

Musée de la Résistance en Bretagne

Les Hardys Behelec - 56140 Saint-Marcel

Tel.: +33 (0)2 97 75 16 90

Contact form



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Practical information


rue des hardys behellec 56140
+33 (0)2 97 75 16 90


Full price: € 8 Concessions: € 6

Weekly opening hours

1 May to 30 September / Open daily, 10 am to 6.30 pm. 1 February to 30 April and 1 October to 31 December / Open daily, 2 pm to 6 pm (except Tuesday). Mornings are reserved for school and group visits.

Fermetures annuelles

Annual closing: 1 to 31 January

The submarine base of Lorient

The submarine base of Lorient; Source ECPAD

Stretched out over a surface of 26 hectares, southwards from the city of Lorient, the ancient submarine base Kéroman is established in the middle of the roadstead, in front of the Port-Louis citadel and the Island of Saint-Michel...

Stretched out over a surface of 26 hectares, southwards from the city of Lorient, the ancient submarine base Kéroman is established in the middle of the roadstead, in front of the Port-Luois citadel and the Island of Saint-Michel

From the summer of 1940 and the German victory in the west, the Kriegesmarine fits out bases in the Netherlands, Belgium and France. The Lorient arsenal is chosen by Admiral Karl Dönitz to accommodate one of the five huge bases installed on the French coasts of the Atlantic to protect the U-Boote. From June 21st 1940, the first day the city was occupied, work commenced to free the docks, in order to allow the submarines to enter the Lorient port on July 7th. In spite of the reinforcement of the site from the Kriegesmarine, the German headquarter quickly realised, that these installations are not suitable enough for the conduct of the Atlantic war and thus decides to build a concrete unit constituting a real underwater base, more suited to resist the violence of the allied shelling. Under fire from the planes of the Royal Air Force, 15 000 workers build between February 1941 and January 1943 three huge concreted blocks, with amazing dimensions: the flank measures 130m and 18.5 m high for the blocks Kéroman I (KI) znd Kéroman II (K II), with roofs measuring 3.5 m thickness; the Kéroman III (KIII) block is 170m long, 122 m large and has a roof thickness of 7,5,m. The new Kéroman underwater base can resist to the classic shells, then the most powerful of that period, and is able to shelter more the 25 submarines thanks to installations exposed directly to the sea. It has the capacity to hoist the most impressive submarines, in protected cells thanks to a slipway. The presence of this base considered indestructible is the reason that Lorient suffered massive bombardments from the allies' aviation, which transformed the city into a vast field of ruins. Since the concrete protection was never really damaged during the war, the French national navy has used the Kéroman site since 1945. They installed a fleet of submarines, an annexation of the Lorient arsenal (DCN), as well as a zone, where the submariners can live.
July 6th 1946 the Kéroman bases were baptised with this name by Jacques Stosskopf, section chief of the new constructions in the Lorient arsenal. He will later on be deported and executed by the Nazis, accusing him to have transmitted precious information about the strategic activity of the base to the resistance network, during the entire occupation period. In 1995, the ministry of defence announces, in the framework of its reorganization plan, the abandonment of the site that will become effective in February 1997, with the departure from Kéroman of the last submarine "La Sirène".
The visit of the Kéromann III block Now days only Kéroman III block is open to the public to visit. The other sectors of the base are inactive or occupied by factories. A guided path of approximately an hour and a half gives to the visitor the chance to discover the greatest buildings built in Lorient, measuring 24000 m2 . They can also climb the roof constituting a splendid view-point dominating the roadstead of Lorient and its harbours. In the south east of the base, the block contains seven cells, who's most important is 103 m long and 22,5 m large and offers two sites. In 1944 its construction remained unfinished, since the block was under continuous bombardment during the whole time of its construction. Individuals can visit the site during the school holidays, and groups may visit the site during the whole year on reservation. The opening dates are available at the tourist office of Lorient.
Flanking the walls of the base, the Davis Tower was built in 1942 for the submarines training. In 1953 the national navy restores it back into service. From 1999 it resurfaces thanks to a museographic space dedicated to the immersed inheritance of Lorient. Equipped with a decompression chamber simulating the living conditions of the crews, the museum gives to the visitor the chance to plunge back into the past and discover the wrecks of this region. Open every Sunday from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. During July and August, open every day from 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Count approximately an hour of visit.
Recently purchaser of this site, having at its disposal more than 1200 m of cost line, the community of agglomeration of Lorrient, controls a conversion project of the base centred on the major topic: "The man and the sea during the XXI century". The installation of several companies in the old concrete blocks, that sheltered the submarines, contributed to the development of a strong activity in the water sports sector. In the long term, the opening of a company-village, based on the maritime, advanced technology industry is envisaged. By the year 2005 the inauguration of the Tabarly Academy will take place. This area pays tribute to the memory of the missing sailors, with a media library, by organising exhibitions and by giving information on the topics of the oceanic races. The opening to the public of the "Flora" submarine, that was in service from 1964 until its disarmament in 1989 in Kéroman is forecasted. A first phase of works is considered, in order to repair the submarine, the boat ramp which supports it and the transporter bridge between the K I block and the K II block. After the renovation is completed, footbridges will make it possible to reach a museographic space, dedicated to the submarine base of Kéroman and exhibiting the every day life on board of the submarines.
Base Submarine Peninsula Keroman 56100 Lorient Phone: 02 97 02 23 29 Rate : Full price: 6 €, reduced 3 €, free for children under 12 years Hours : [list] Outside school holidays: Every Sunday at 15 pm [list] School holidays: daily at 15 am on Saturday. [list] Closed December 25 and 31 and the entire month of January Tourist office of Lorient email

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Practical information


rue roland morillot 56100
02 97 02 23 29


Plein tarif : 6 € Tarif réduit: 3 € Gratuit : Enfant (- de 12 ans)

Weekly opening hours

Hors vacances scolaires: chaque dimanche à 15 h Vacances scolaires toutes zones: tous les jours à 15 h dès le samedi

Fermetures annuelles

Les 25 et 31 décembre et tout le mois de janvier

Port-Louis Citadel

Sauvetage en mer. Source : Photo A.Fux, Musée national de la Marine, Port-Louis.

The Port-Louis Citadel, the National Maritime Museum and the history of the Indies Company.

This heavily-fortified rectangular Citadel is a flagship example of military architecture, and has an extraordinary view of the harbour. The Port-Louis Citadel is now home to the National Maritime Museum, where you will find an excellent collection of model ships, weapons and other historic models. You can also visit the museum dedicated to the history of the Indies Company. In the Arsenal Room, there are displays of superb vintage models, as well as paintings and sculptures depicting French naval history from the seventeenth to the early twentieth centuries. The Powder Keg Room houses a large collection of weapons.

The construction of the Citadel began under the orders of the Spanish engineer Cristobal de Rojas in 1590 at the time of the war of the Catholic Holy League. The Citadel, which was completed during the reign of the French king Louis XIII, is strategically positioned on the southeastern point of the peninsula of Lorient harbour. Apart from serving a defensive role, the Citadel was also inhabited and used for receptions, as well as serving as a refuge or prison (it was a shelter for refractory priests during the French Revolution, refractory conscripts under the Empire, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte in 1836, Communards, members of the Resistance and many others).
June 2002 saw the inauguration of various new exhibition rooms dedicated to underwater archaeology, the discovery of new artefacts, and the restoration of these artefacts. The archaeologist Franck Goddio donated over 160 artefacts to the National Maritime Museum, all related to the period of West-East trade between the eleventh and the seventeenth centuries and found in the wrecks of three junks, a galleon and a naval vessel. These artefacts are on display at Port-Louis, along with the remains of the cargo of the Mauritius, a Dutch ship that sank in 1609 (discovered during excavation by the Department of Underwater and Undersea Archaeological Research in 1986) offered by Elf-Gabon and the Gabonese government to the National Maritime Museum. The new 'Ocean Treasures' exhibition was created by the National Maritime Museum in association with the Regional Council of Brittany, the Morbihan Departmental Committee for Tourism and the Pays de Lorient Urban Community.
Tourist Information: 47, grande Rue, 56290 Port-Louis. Telephone: (+33) 2 97 82 52 93 Museum: Telephone: (+33) 2 97 12 10 37/Fax: (+33) 2 97 82 17 28 Closed: the 1st of December - the 1st of January (inclusive). Museum open from the 1st of April to the 30th of September, from 10h-18.30h (except on Tuesdays in April and May, and the 1st of May). From the 1st of October to the 31st of March: From 13.30h-18h (except on Tuesdays).

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Practical information


Rue de la citadelle 56290
Tel. : 02 97 82 52 93 Musée national de la marine :Tel. : :

Weekly opening hours

Accessible toute l'année

Fort Penthièvre

Le Fort Penthièvre. Source : ECPAD

The purpose of Fort Penthièvre was to watch over the 15 km of beaches suitable for landing...

Fort Penthièvre is located at the base of the Quiberon peninsula. It was once called the Palice headland and was responsible for controlling access to the peninsula. Most importantly, it overlooks the 15 km or so of the Penthièvre beach, which is suitable for landing. Several forces had indeed landed there over the centuries: the Dutch in 1674 and the English in 1746. It was the pillaging of the peninsula by the latter which raised awareness of the vulnerability of its defences. In 1747 the construction of a fort was approved. This was to take the form of an enormous bastion built on a rocky promontory, blocking the only access to the peninsula. At this point, the lagoon bar was only a few dozen metres wide. During the Revolution, Fort Penthièvre would become a battleground of violent confrontations: 6,500 royalists, landed from the English fleet, seized it in an attack on 27 June 1795. It was recaptured by General Hoche's troops on 20 July. Left more or less abandoned, Fort Penthièvre was modernised and reinforced from 1800 onwards, under the impetus of the engineer General Marescot and on the orders of Bonaparte. In 1917 the fort was used as a prison for German soldiers. They carried out resurfacing work on the road. In 1933, it was entrusted to the navy and then fell into disuse. During the Second World War, it was occupied by the Germans and incorporated into the Atlantic wall. It housed various blockhouses, but was mainly used by the infantry. In July 1944, some resistance fighters were tortured and buried alive there. A pillar mounted on a Cross of Lorraine stands there in memory of them. Nowadays, Fort Penthièvre is a training base for the land army.

This historic monument, property of the Ministry of Defence, was included in a Culture and Defence protocol signed on 17 September 2005. Click here to see the list of other buildings ...

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Weekly opening hours

Seuls les espaces extérieurs sont accessibles